3D measurements in shipbuilding

The geometry of elements is influenced by welding shrinkage in several production steps. Checking and recording the geometry (after each production process) helps to learn more about the effect of welding parameters and welding sequence. In this way the extent of shrinkage can be reproduced and taken into account in the production process.
The construction of ships is highly individualised. Therefore our software solution has been equipped with highly effective tools for inspection planning. Comparison of measured and planned coordinates, archiving of data in a database and statistical analysis capabilities are convincing advantages of a continuative and uniform data processing system.
The goal of precision production is to eliminate avoidable work such as
burning off hundreds of meters of allowances to prepare for welding along the plate edge
The use of the 3D measuring system has led to fundamental changes in production and quickly became the measuring system for shipbuilders. 3D measurement is now indispensable for precision production and is used for:
- The geometry of the sections can be checked during pre-assembly. Time-consuming and therefore expensive reworking in the final assembly hall (dock) can be considerably reduced or avoided. Through virtual coupling of sections on the PC, possible problems are detected early on and can be eliminated during the production process
- Installation and positioning of sections
Our 3D measuring system is already essential in the following manufacturing fields
- Naval shipbuilding
- Cruise Ship Building
- Specialty shipbuilding
- Ferry building